Draft Domains

A domain is a collection of skills, items and conditions. Every domain has it's own theme such as combat, alchemy or magic. Each domain is designed to add a unique aspect to your role playing experience. They giving you new kinds of characters to explore and new ways to approach problems. Characters with skills or conditions from a domain, will be of a similar or related occupation or calling. The domains have been designed so that you as a player will experience some measure of what it is like to do the things your character does.

A priest for instance, is not just a person shouting magical effects at his opponents. He is someone who maintains the relationship between his god and the people. The job of a priest involves conversing with and coaching other characters. From this work he draws his power, and his powers are only effective if he does a good job. So as a player doing these priestly duties is necessary for your character to be any good as a priest.

This can be great fun, if you like that sort of thing. The experiences different domains provide are very diverse. There will more then likely be a few domains you as a player might not like, or which you're quite simply, just not very good at. Before choosing what domains to use for your character, you should read the domain introduction, to get an idea of what kind of things you'll be doing.


Laatst aangepast op ma, 16/08/2021 22:56 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op di, 20/12/2011 15:23 door Anoniem

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