
The Boreworm is a creature from ancient times, forgotten by most mortals. Growing up to a full three metres in diameter and twelve metres in length, the Boreworm burries its way through the nutricient-rich rocks deep under the Zaos and Ryvvik Mountains. The creature is also said to eat flesh, coal, minerals,.. and most other substances.

In centuries past, the Boreworm used to be the terror for the Northern miners, as vibrations in the earth lured the beast to the mining tunnels above. With the Elves risking themselves less and less within the depths of the earth, the reports of Boreworms deminished and eventually ceased.

The fabled King Asdrubael, Lord of the Fae, was said to have a pet Boreworm to whom he fed his enemies. This story seems unlikely, however.

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:50 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op ma, 03/08/2009 17:27 door Anoniem

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