Divine realm of Uastra

Under a sky thick with swarms of black, furry flies grows the Shadowed Garden. Twisted, rotten boughs entangled with grasping vines cover the moulding ground, beneath an insect-infested canopy of leaves. Fungi both plain and spectacular break through the leafstewn mulch of the forest floor, puffing out clouds of hallucinating spores. The stems of half-demonic plants wave of their own accord, unstirred by the still, pungent air. Satyr play their corrupting music from the gloomy woodscape, luring any ill-willed visitor deep within the nauseous mires. Jutting amidst one of these mires is Archdeamon Ga'ap mansion. Decrepit and ancient, yet eternally strong at its foundations, the mansion is an eclectic structure of rotted timbers and broken walls, overgrown with crawling poison ivy and thick mosses. Although a traveller might see the signs of decay here everywhere, if he would where to later return he would see that not a single additional brick or leave has fallen. Within these "tumbling" walls, Ga'ap toils at a rusted cauldron, a receptacle vast enough to contain an entire lake. Chuckling and singing to himself, the Archdeamon labours tireless to create new poisons and Satyr from the seduced souls of mortals. It is tradition to bring a sheet with a few notes to the Archdeamon when he is visited, most visitors don't know why.

Far above the morbid forest ground, enormous city-trees reach out into the nurturing sunlight. Healthy and lush, this realm flourishes with life. The treetops themselves are shaped to the needs of their occupants

  • the scarecrows and their Uastra's good followers. Halls, temples and even entire palaces are formed from the living wood. Hundreds of enormous suspended terraces, carefully cultivated by these angels of Uastra, are filled with every kind of crop imaginable. In the centre of the lush surroundings stands an enormous wooden throne - The Seat of Sae, Archangel of Uastra and keeper of life. It is often not clear to visitors where the wooden throne ends and the Archangel himself begins. It is tradition to bring a new piece of straw to the Archangel when one visits him.
Last updated Fri, 16-07-2021 10:55 by Anonymous
Created Sun, 15-12-2013 13:13 by Anonymous

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