
The Shimmerfox thanks its name form its orange-brown fur that glitters and shimmers when struck by moonlight. Elfish folklore tells that a the Moon herself once fell in love with a Fox, gracing it with her tough- once and for all changing the creature to what it is today. To Elves and Fae, the creature is a sign of potence and good fortune. Lucky is the one who witnesses a Shimmerfox, for great deeds awaits him.

Shimmerfoxes are rather intelligent, possessing a cunning mind beyond most forestanimals. Their diet consists of all kinds of small animals, which they hunt using their suppreme intellect. Though it's pelt can fetch a considerable price, it is considered to be of ill-taste by Elves and Fae to hunt their kind.

Last updated Fri, 16-07-2021 10:50 by Anonymous
Created Mon, 03-08-2009 17:27 by Anonymous

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