Trasher Squid

Trasher Squids can grow up to several metres and house their soft bodies in large shells. The creature features a parrot-like beak that is strong enough to crush lobsters, crabs, clamps and even wood. Its shell does not grow as the squid matures, and once its home becomes ill-fitting, it will dispose of it and search for another one. Finding an empty Trasher Squid shell is said to be an ill omen.

Their ten tentacles are extremely flexible and strong, and starving Trasher Squids are said to attack Homarid and even small fisherboats. Though the latter seems somewhat unlikely, many a fisherman will back up these claims.

Last updated Fri, 16-07-2021 10:50 by Anonymous
Created Mon, 03-08-2009 17:27 by Anonymous

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