Midgardian neutrality front

The Midgardian Neutrality Front or MNF is a group of illegal peace activists that operates in Midgard . They consist mostly of humans, halfings and gnomes, although some Utgardian and Asgardian refugees from the war have also joined this movement.


The MNF actively opposes the Utgard VS Asgard , war . Their main belief is that Midgardian recourses and political stimulation are a strong driving force behind the war movement and try to actively combat this situation. Some extremists (including the founder) even believe that they can stop the war altogether by making Midgard completely neutral (not helping either side). Most of the joiners however only see the simple fact that every weapon destroyed means one less way of killing, every ration burned means one more hungry soldier that will refuse to fight and kill and that every copper pumped into the war effort is one less copper being pumped in a more constructive project.


The methods of the MNF are extreme and largely illegal. Although they won't go as far as murdering people that stand in their way (that is actually what they try to avoid), many reports of arson, sabotage, kidnapping, destruction of property and intimidation have been reported. Only the last of these methods is legal under Midgardian law.

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:50 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op ma, 21/12/2009 19:26 door Anoniem

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