The first church of Talor

The first church of Talor is the church with the largest following within Midgard . Most humans in Midgard are followers of this church. The church worships Talor .

The church is also the largest church dedicated to Talor .


  • OC name: The first church of Talor
  • IC Name: The first church of Talor
  • Type: God
  • Age: Since the awakening of the primary races.
  • Demography: Mostly humans
  • Size:
  • Area: The whole of Midgard


True Metaphysical Beliefs: (Things that the members of the religion think are true and are true according to the public lore)

False Metaphysical Beliefs: (Things that the members of the religion think are true and are false according to the public lore)

Unknown Metaphysical Beliefs: (Things that the members of the religion think are true and are not yet described in the public lore)

Incompatibility: (With what other religions is this religion compatible or incompatible)

Existing entities: (description of entities or links to entities that the members of the religion belief in and actually exist according to the public lore)

Non-existing entities: (description of entities or links to entities that the members of the religion belief in and don't actually exist according to the public lore)

Unknown entities: (description of entities or links to entities that the members of the religion belief in and don't yet exist (but might one day exist) according to the public lore)

Worshipping methods== (all these bring prayer tokens to entities)

Example Event Ceremonies (standard rituals to mark an event like marriage, initiation, a new year, etc):

Example request Ceremonies (standard rituals to ask for something):

Example Idolizing Ceremonies (standard rituals to simply worship, show devotion or send energy to entities):

Non-worshipping ceremonies== (these ceremonies don't bring prayer tokens to entities)

Example Event Ceremonies (see above; the difference being that no religious vows are taken and no entities are worshipped or given energy):

Example request ceremonies (see above; the difference being that the entity is given a different reward instead of prayer tokens)

Religious customs== (things members of the religion do because it is tradition)

Frequently used symbols== (handy for building your own ceremonies, improvising a ceremony, or religious customs)