Native Languages

The native languages of Heimr refer to the race bound languages that did not evolved into commonly used trading languages (of which there are two). These Heimr languages are still used in daily life in modern times but usually only amongst the race that originally used it and usually only in settlements that house only that race.

Alt tale

Alt tale or "oud taal" or "Old language", is the original language of the humans . Because Talor gave this language to the humans and mandated (in some interpretations of his divine will) that definitions should not change this is seen as a holy and divine language amongst some conservative religious fanatics.

In game the language is represented by "Middelnederlands" or "Oudnederlands".


Gamoltunge or "ancient tongue", is the original language of the gnomes . It is still a common sound in Fellroot .

In game the language is represented by "Middle English" or "Anglo-Saxon".


Trallvoj or "person-speak" (very liberally translated), is the original language of the trolls . Most troll tribes that have little connectivity with the rest of the races of Southern Heimr still exclusively talk this language. It has a variation call Begvoj (or "Big-speak") which is usually only allowed to be spoken by authority figures in troll culture.


Hydro echo is the High language term for the system of sounds merfolk make to communicate with each other. This can be seen as the original language of the merfolk. The various clicks and bangs they make in the back of their mouths and with the help of certain tools is very hard to replicate when not submerged. This leads to raiding parties of merfolk that first practice their own language above water on the shore for a week or so before actually being able to effectively communicate with each other during the raid.


Dobêdja (Which translates to "language of the feyfolk") is the language of the feyfolk . It is used by most tribes within Beugt Daesana (Which translates to "Home forest" or as the humans called it "Damp forest") and other tribes that have little to no contact with other races.

Ogre symbols

Ogres use symbols drawn on cave walls, cloths, trees, bodies or beads to communicate stories or simple concepts. There are many variations among ogre tribes but some of the more commonly used symbols can be found here: Ogre symbols

Full List of Native Languages

  • Human - Alt tale (oud taal)
  • Orc -
  • Tellurian -
  • Merfolk - Hydro-echo
  • Fae -
  • Elves -
  • Halfling -
  • Troll - Trallvoj
  • Gnome - Gamoltunge (old/ancient tongue)
  • Ogre -
  • Nymph -
  • Shanata -
  • Feyfolk - Dobêdja
  • Lizardmen -
  • Slemmering -
Laatst aangepast op di, 05/04/2022 11:16 door Brian Bors
Aangemaakt op wo, 26/06/2013 17:57 door Anoniem

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