
Heimr houses many states. The three largest are the Asgard Kingdom, the Midgard republic and the Utgard alliance, but there are others.

Active states

  • The Asgard Kingdom.
    • SindhĂ© Although technically now part of Asgard, the fae still hold much of their original government structure intact within the greater kingdom.
    • Alzahir As the fae, the elves also, mostly covertly, keep all their individual government structures and councils alive.
  • The Midgard republic.
  • The Utgard alliance. (Many would object to calling this a "state")
    • Every city (and most of the smaller settlements as well) within have their own governments (see below), but some examples of the larger states within the alliance are:
    • Evermine city state.
    • Fireforge city state.
    • Minfort city state.
    • Grongavar city state.
  • The Merfolk Kingdom.
  • The lizardman ruling council of the great question. (Who keeps communication between the different lizardman island states)
  • The Nymph great walk regulation emporium. (The collective of all settlements along the great walk route.)
  • The Feyfolk Kingdoms (Although they are small and spread out, most of these feyfolk kingdoms are acknowledged and respected by other races in their forests.)

Small self-governing communities

  • Merfolk tribes: Most of the merfolk are not part of the larger merfolk kingdom and are scattered in small travelling communities throughout the seas, rivers and lakes of Heimr.
  • Utgardian tribes: Apart from the tellurian , the Utgardian races are very tribal in nature. Especially the trolls and the ogres rarely settle in permanent settlements. These wandering races huddle in groups of 20 to hundreds of individuals.
  • Lizardman island states. After the great journey and their war against the merfolk many of the lizardman tribes scattered into smaller governments; one per island.
  • Shanata tribes: Shanata don't settle and have little to no need for government. They wander the whole of heimr, searching for harsh environments to conquer. Some Shanata don't even join such tribes and try to survive as individuals without community support.
  • Feyfolk tribes: although rare, some feyfolk seperate themselves from the greater, official kingdoms and form small communities of their own. Some of these small communities keep the "kingdom" structure intact, calling themselves true kingdoms.
  • Nymph tribes: Nymph who are not part of the larger regulation emporium form tribes that rule themselves.
  • Other tribes: Although rare: human , gnome , halfling , fae , elf and even slemmering have been known to gather in a tribal format from time to time. Apart from those, there exist a handful of lizardman and merfolk tribes that operate on the mainland of Heimr, and lastly there exist some mixed tribes; communities with members of various races.
  • Other communities: Small settlements not part of a larger government spring up all across Heimr from time to time. Most of those don't last long unless they are protected by some larger entity.
  • Divine communities: Some settlements and tribes are not populated by the 15 races of Heimr, but by other creatures altogether. These communities are almost always short lived because they are usually either placed for a divine temporal purpose... or forbidden.

Ruined, inactive, old and fallen states

  • The first orc kingdom (Settled in what is now the Caldera wasteland)
  • The first slemmering kingdom and the second slemmering kingdom
  • The mainland lizardman kingdom (Before the great journey)
  • The first halfling kingdom (Although it still exists in some fashion, still fighting the Renders that uprooted them)
  • Breghtalem (City state of the trolls, destroyed by fae magic)
  • Stonecold royal family (The first human kingdom)
  • The first nymph kingdom (Before contact with the other races opened opportunity for the great walk)
  • Other fallen states (Many small governments and communities have fallen over the ages)

Merged states

Laatst aangepast op vr, 16/07/2021 10:55 door Anoniem
Aangemaakt op do, 14/03/2013 22:32 door Anoniem

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